Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hmm I'm kinda stuck today..words just aren't flowing like they usually do. Maybe cos there's nothing exciting happening :P Anyway, I can't let that stop me from writing! So, over the past few days i have been looking at different studies that i am interested in- Marketing, Reiki and other healing techniques,journalism,caricature, advertising. I know i'm completely off -course and that my GRE scores and my electronics background won't be useful for any of these courses to say the least, but hey! I'm still young! I'm allowed to make mistakes and change my mind anytime i feel like!! I'm still evolving so I don't have completely concrete ideas yet.You can say it's in a semi-molten form right now :P
And yeah just to let you know, I haven't got my joining date yet :| They have put it off by almost an year, from july this year to April next year :x I was fretting and fuming about it but i suddenly i realised that this could mean more time to experiment with different professions!I know my elders would be totally against it and think I'm stupid( They have been asking me to apply to other software/hardware companies) but I'm gonna do what i want and not listen to anybody blindly. Their intentions are good, but that's just not how I picture myself. I just CANNOT sit in a cubicle forever and code away like an automaton. No,sir!
So of all the courses, advertising sounds appealing right now.It involves writing and coming up with arty, creative campaigns. I think I'd really enjoy that! I just can't see myself as a software engineer and similar.No offense to anyone but it's just too....plain. Yup, that's the word!
A few days ago, i was browsing through the top advertising firms in India and most of them seemed pretty much the same, with boring names and boring websites, except one. OGILVY and MATHER.The only reason i clicked on it was because I liked the name ( Yes, I'm shallow at times) and i loved the website! It was different from the rest and that is what caught my attention. I felt like this could be it  and called their office to ask about internships. Sadly, the HR was on leave and i was asked to call back after a few days.hmph! So much for all my day dreaming! I was supposed to call them yesterday but i completely forgot! I had to go shopping with Remmiye, you see! And everything else takes a backseat when you're thinking about all the shoes and clothes and bags you can buy! *slurp*  But before that, i met the twinnies( ha, they HATE me calling them that! :P ) , Sid, Dharni and Arvind for lunch. Sid happened to bring up my blog and Dharni said he interned somewhere and that he had to manage their blogs and stuff.I asked him where he interned and surprise, SURPRISE!! He interned at OGILVY!!! I was sooo excited!! I would have never known of it if i hadn't done that little research a few days ago! This got me thinking if it was just a mere coincidence or if it was some kinda invisible plan that falls in place when you are ready for it.Like i said before, I believe in magic and the unknown so I say this wasn't just a coincidence! Come to think of it, I wouldn't have gone out to lunch if Remmiye had come early from college.I only went cos she said she would be late for shopping.It's almost like she delayed just so i could and talk to Dharni!!And there was absolutely no reason for Sid to mention my blog but he did and that set the ball rolling for the rest of the conversation! Ah, whatever it is, i hope me and Prarth get internships at Ogilvy as well!! Dharni said he'll talk to someone he knows there.Yayyy!! :)


  1. Owee...Ogilvy!!!!hmm.....wish to see somethin like Zoo zoo comics in this blog...may be because u r gud at makin comics:) :)

  2. thanks kanta :D i actually have two silly comic strips i drew when i was bored in class. I'll put it up sometime :)

  3. Hmmm really you have nice expectations in life :)
    Hope u'r day dreaming will come true some day :)
