Saturday, October 1, 2011


And today is the day i realised that it's more important to be straight with life than to be polite or kind . And being sensitive and kind in this dog-eat-dog world is a big NO-NO !! I mean , YOU don't have to be a dog but you have to eat others before they take you alive! Yeah, sounds stupid but it's quite meaningful if you see it the right way.
 I guess i was just trying to be "mature" and a "good-girl" to prove a certain loser wrong ( NO! Don't get the wrong ideas!! The person in question can at the most be classified as an acquaintance) .Now that i think of it, i always was a "good girl" but not the type that wakes up at 4 and goes to temples and circumambulates Tulsi plants etc etc..But anyway, i just figured i wasted so much time and energy for someone who is not even a part of my life ( And never was ! ) . That person can't even think something out on his own and his opinions are what his parents tell him ! Anyway, I'm past all that now with my newfound revelations :P . One can't really hide his true nature for long. It's gonna come spilling out someday if you keep it locked in for long ! Speaking of  which , my flair for cussing is back , bitch! :D


  1. :-) Ahhh,nothing like a vitriloc blog to take out one's bitterness on.....:-)

  2. Haha yeah but I'm not really bitter here. Just saying what I feel.

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  5. did dat person cheat u?

  6. for some one else dnt change ur reality?
    goodness gracious u right! then dnt curse any one....keep smiling

  7. always be good hearted! really god ll bless u!
    dnt be anger like this!...keep smiling

  8. haha all you anonymous ppl,i'd appreciate it if u revealed yourself! No the person didnt cheat or anythin.Like i said,he was an acquaintance.and yeah i wont be changing my reality based on somebody's perceptions anymore! thank you for your comments but please STOP posting as anonymous!!

  9. Wow!!!! my eyes burn.....jus' kidding - but dear, i guess you must be a "larger-than-life" type , but can we turn down the bright coloured wallpaper in the background a bit? anyways, i read and loved your post-straight from the heart, stuff, it takes guts to put it all out on the ' diss the naysayes and continue your story- we are all eager for more details,

  10. oh hey thanks! About the background,i don't feel like changing it yet.I will in good time,so please bear with me!

  11. Meg please keep smiling.You look soooooooo pretty in your pic.
    Take care
